Friday, June 24, 2011


We had a wonderful visit with Kayla and Darby when they came to Texas recently.  We talked, played games, celebrated birthdays, got pedicures (okay, not Darby), ate out, etc.  Hannah was here for several days and Matt was able to leave his job and come up for an evening.  We enjoyed having all four "kids" home.  One of the highlights for me was watching them play Just Dance on the Wii.  I laughed so hard as they tried to mimic the moves on the screen (see pictures below).
Although it was sad to take Kayla and Darby to the airport to return to Illinois, we had a great day on the way.  We left about 10:00 in the morning and stopped by Fort Worth to see Clint and Whitney and their newborn son, Finn.  He was a precious little boy who cooperated fully being passed around and loved on!  Whitney and Clint seem to be doing well and we enjoyed visiting with them and catching up on their lives.

After a quick lunch at McDonald's (you can tell I'm a big spender), we were off to the next baby!  We went to my niece's house to see baby Samuel.  With a 4 1/2 day old baby, Amy and Matthew were still very sleep-deprived.  Little red-headed Samuel is absolutely precious but seems to prefer sleeping during the day and crying at night!  I held him and loved on him and gave him great-aunt to great-nephew advice on how things were going to work. I'm sure he gave Amy and Matthew a great night's rest after our little conversation!  Matthew and Amy are going to be great parents and I look forward to watching Samuel grow up.
Little Samuel
Finally I couldn't put it off any longer and I dropped Kayla and Darby at the airport.  We said our goodbyes and I didn't even have time to cry before I was caught up in the Dallas traffic.  It was a wonderful trip, as always.  We are so blessed to get to see them every few months and to have wonderful in-laws who share them with us so freely.

Next on my agenda is a visit from my sister, Kay, from Colorado on July 6.  Can hardly wait!